SFC Forward: Strategic Vision for 2023 & Beyond
St. Francis College is redesigning the institution so it can continue to support our students and staff both through our shared environment and our rigorous curricula while honoring our legacy as a first-class, diverse, Franciscan institution.
We will better deliver the next generation of academic guidance and extracurricular programming and meet demands on infrastructure and technology at its new home in Downtown Brooklyn.
About SFC Forward
A Springboard to Success and Education
Our New Campus
Strategic Plan
A Dynamic, Innovative and Franciscan Culture
GOAL 1.1: Promote faculty excellence and academic innovation
- Strengthen our existing signature programs
- Offer new, mission-driven and market-sensitive degree programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels
- Ensure that a diverse faculty of sufficient size and capacity is in place to support all academic programs
- Reinvigorate and/or redesign degree programs through the creation of a new organizational structure within Academic Affairs
- Promote and showcase faculty teaching, research, and scholarship to foster further achievements
- Launch a Center for Teaching, Learning, and Faculty Development to elevate faculty competencies in online teaching, learning, and instructional design, with the purpose of advancing the quality of student engagement and success with digital instruction
GOAL 1.2: Create a student-centered model that advances academic excellence
- Provide our students with more opportunities for career-centered dialogue with professionals by establishing a faculty-student mentoring program
- Intentionally integrate the service-oriented leadership element of our mission into academic courses by launching a comprehensive service-learning program
- Maintain our commitment to academic excellence by increasing student retention, persistence, progression, and graduation rates
- Increase student opportunities for collaboration in research and their active participation in a community of scholars
- Provide students with professional academic advisors trained to implement best practices by discipline
GOAL 1.3: Broaden educational and professional relationships to enhance student success
- Markedly increase the number of students who participate in professional experiences through structured internships as part of their academic degree program
- Increase student pathways to degree programs by expanding and deepening partnerships with high schools, community colleges, and civil service organizations
Expand and Deepen International Programs
GOAL 2.1: Increase international student enrollment and expand institutional capacity to effectively meet international student needs
- Continue to increase number of newly enrolled international students by mitigating the limitations of unexpected challenges through a strategic revision of our student recruitment plan for internationalization
- Ease transition challenges and increase international student retention by enhancing the comprehensive student support functions of SFC International
- Broaden opportunities to welcome international scholars and artists by becoming a J-1 visa designated sponsor
- Become an internationally recognized first choice institution by students abroad desiring a focus on global learning
GOAL 2.2: Establish and deepen international partnerships for innovative student pathways into SFC degrees and programs
- Create pre-college summer programs designed for international high school students seeking a U.S. college experience with input from partner high schools abroad
- Become the desired NYC institution for rising college freshmen and "gap year" students from abroad by forging contracts and agreements with international partners
- Forge new and creative academic program entry pathways for international students with their high schools and institutions of higher education
GOAL 2.3: Deepen students' appreciation for and interactions with 21st century global societies
- Further infuse global and cultural education into degree program and co-curricular experiences
- Inspire our students to engage in their global education via student-centered policies and procedures developed by a new faculty-governed Institute for Global Engagement
GOAL 2.4: Develop a collaborative, integrated institutional strategy focused on study abroad and international exchanges with foreign institutions
- Expand student choice by diversifying the content and types of faculty-designed and faculty-led study abroad experiences
- Broaden students' world views and enhance the value of their degrees by expanding semester-long reciprocal international exchanges with institutions worldwide
Embrace a Diverse Campus Culture
GOAL 3.1: Diversify pathways to increase access for all students
- Continue to diversify our student body by welcoming high school, transfer students, military and veteran students, exceptional student-athletes, and working professionals seeking to complete a degree or academic credential
- Review and update our pricing models to reinforce our commitment to provide a quality, accessibly-priced education
- Welcome students with refreshed, comprehensive, and dynamic orientation programs designed to create a seamless transition into the life of the college
GOAL 3.2: Expand programs and services to equitably serve diverse student populations
- Support students seeking on-campus employment by enhancing federal work-study and student worker opportunities
- Increase all students' ability to persist to graduation with strategic interventions that address both academic and non-academic challenges
- Support for our evening and residential students with extended hours for academic services and expanded co-curricular activities
- Engage our residence halls as an extension of campus where relationships and learning can be fortified outside the classroom
GOAL 3.3: Broaden a campus climate of wellness, inclusion, and Franciscan hospitality
- Lean on our Franciscan tradition of hospitality to update campus processes and spaces so that they are consistently easy and friendly to navigate
- Increase opportunities for students to participate in co-curricular community service projects
- Promote the well-being of the whole person, both physically and emotionally, with expanded services designed to support all individuals in our community
Build Character, Capital and Campus
GOAL 4.1: Increase and diversify revenue streams
- Increase funding to support College priorities in providing a quality, Franciscan education to our diverse student body
- Engage our government, city agency, and other business partners in mutually beneficial use of College resources including campus spaces for creative online programs and projects, as well as summer conferences and residency opportunities
- Launch a Comprehensive Campaign to provide resources to support mission-driven, student-centered institutional goals
GOAL 4.2: Recruit, retain, and support our community of educators, administrators and staff
- Broaden our focus on recruitment, professional development and retention of highly qualified, mission-focused faculty, staff and administrators
- Assess employee satisfaction to conform campus climate conditions are consistent with our mission-driven, student-centered approach to education
- Engage in inclusive onboarding to ensure all employees understand and affirm commitment to our mission
GOAL 4.3: Build technology and IT support to address campus needs at all levels
- Broaden cutting-edge technology solutions across our campus
- Expand technology support resources to enhance delivery of all teaching modalities and student support
- Establish a campus wide IT and Data Governance Committee to integrate technology solutions, reporting and tracking
GOAL 4.4: Strengthen business continuity
- Develop and implement a campus wide Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan, including an Enterprise Risk Management Program
- Improve continuity of student services and user satisfaction in remote working conditions
- Continue to strengthen cybersecurity education to ensure data protection and to mitigate risk
GOAL 4.5: Ensure our long-term financial viability
- Strategically manage financial risk and debt to improve cash flow and capital positioning
- Rebuild our budget and planning process to reduce fixed costs and better manage deployment of resources in support of our strategic initiatives
Harness the Power of Our Story
GOAL 5.1: Brand St. Francis as a first-choice Franciscan college for quality, engaged and affordable education in the international city of New York/Brooklyn
- Capture, share, and be guided by "Moments that Matter", the profound, memorable, and meaningful positive experiences of our students, our most valued source of information
- Reach and engage new and diverse demographics of students, families, and community members through a dynamic, coordinated, and strategic digital media campaign
- Promote our NCAA Division I athletic program as a model that develops our students as leaders, showcases our coaches as effective and vital mentors, and builds teams that elevate community engagement
GOAL 5.2: Amplify St. Francis's rootedness in its Franciscan mission and identity
- Highlight our commitment to the mission by intentionally supporting access, equity, inclusion, and social justice
- Deepen community connectedness with new, noteworthy, and meaningful spiritual experiences that complement our Franciscan heritage
- Further integrate the Office of Mission, Ministry, and Interfaith Dialogue into the life of the College
GOAL 5.3: Highlight the College's role in strengthening our surrounding and international communities
- Cultivate lifelong relationships with the College by empowering our students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni to grow engagement with our communities
- Further develop our affinity groups, ambassadors, and volunteer corps to outreach to, and widen, our network of partners
- Highlight the stories of hard-working professionals, as well as military and veteran individuals, who use their St. Francis credentials to elevate their community
Recent Press Coverage
Exclusive Look: St. Francis College’s New Location
The Tablet
June 10, 2021
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Brooklyn Downtown Star
June 9, 2021
After Over 50 Years, St. Francis College is Moving to New and Modern Location
Currents News
May 25, 2021
St. Francis College Announces New Downtown Brooklyn Campus At 181 Livingston Street
New York YIMBY
May 22, 2021
St. Francis College takes 250K sf at new DoBro building
The Real Deal
May 21, 2021
St. Francis College, Franciscan mainstay since 1859, to move to new Downtown Brooklyn campus
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
May 21, 2021
St. Francis College moves closer to Downtown Brooklyn
News12 Brooklyn
May 20, 2021
St. Francis College To Get New Campus Above Macy’s Downtown
May 19, 2021
St. Francis Moving to New Brooklyn Campus
Greenpoint Star
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St. Francis College plans to move to new Brooklyn location
New York Business Journal
May 18, 2021
Tishman Speyer signs St Francis College to 255,000 s/f at The Wheeler
Real Estate Weekly
May 18, 2021
St. Francis College to Open New Campus in Downtown Brooklyn’s Macy’s Building
Commercial Observer
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St. Francis College to Open New Campus in Downtown Brooklyn
BK Reader
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St. Francis College to open 255,000 square foot campus in Downtown Brooklyn
Crain's New York
May 18, 2021
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May 18, 2021
St. Francis College to Relocate to New Downtown Brooklyn Campus
Brooklyn Paper
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This Week's N.Y. Deal Sheet
May 18, 2021